Saturday, March 13, 2010

Baileys Basics News

There is new information on my business blog. Please pop over and check it out. It's what I've been working on that's kept me from here lately. I'm a bit sad. I will, however, be saving the vitriol that I have been spewing aloud for a few days and not post it all over the internet. As things change for my business, I'll probably be posting updates like this that ask you to head over there more often. If you subscribe to both blogs, you may be confused, but I hope not. I just like to keep my "business self" separate from our family blog. And, you know, the infertility stuff off my business blog. So when you see that ultra-cool logo up there, you know there's a post or something cool to check out over on my other site. Thanks!

Oh, and I'm working on a big, important-to-me post that has been rattling around in my head for a few weeks. I want to do it justice, so I've been a bit absent. Maybe this week, we'll see. Nothing life-changing, just close to my heart. Happy Sunday to you all!

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