Friday, August 21, 2009

Thank God....It's Friday!!

Ah, Friday. Blissful, peaceful, relaxed Friday. Yeah, right. Around here it's still pedal to the metal on Fridays. So, wasting no more time in chit chat....

Thank God...It's Friday


I am immensely, amazingly thankful for my husband, who forgives me for being rash and mouthy, who takes care of so many crazy catastrophes in a day and still handle mine when he gets home. Thank God he gives me a "do over" daily!

Likewise, thank God that He does the same!!

Thank God for friends. For the ones you can call on a moment's notice and know they'll talk you off the ledge or commiserate with whatever's going on in your life, and tell you how right you are all the time. And come to your house to make pajama pants, giving you the best laugh you've had in a while.

Brian had an appointment with his neurologist this week, and he's perfect. Or at least that's what his tests say! The neurologist couldn't find anything physical to explain Brian's neurological anomalies, which is actually a relief. Things have gotten exponentially better since he's staying more hydrated and got glasses, so we pray that might be the answer!


Not a lot going on in this department...which is a praise! Some of you may know that Brian has boogered his shoulder somehow. Probably at work, lifting carpets. He's seen the doctor and has an appointment with a physical therapist next week. But it's starting to hurt daily, nightly, all the time. We really pray it's not a torn rotator cuff, but that's the most likely. This has been going on for months (and months and months) through all the other stuff he's been dealing with. So please pray for his shoulder and some fast healing.

I'm taking a set of baby pouch-style slings to On The Turtle's Back tonight. It'd be really nice if they all sold like hotcakes!

This weekend is nutty busy for us, so I'll try to see you Monday....maybe with pictures. No promises, though!

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