Seriously, I am a horrid blogger. I realize that. I apologize. However, I am still completely amazed that it's even September, much less a fifth of the way through. As you may know, this has been my first Clomid cycle, which has been interesting. But apparently not effective. My chart says I didn't ovulate. I went for bloodwork Tuesday and have an appointment with Slush in about 40 minutes, so I'll let you know. Meanwhile, I've gained 9 pounds (in my face, I think....) and feel like I've been hit by a truck. It's not been too bad as far as being moody, though. Brian says it's been better than he expected; I think he expected the Bride of Frankenstein. Some days I've felt that way, though!
Okay, I'm off to the doctor. Keep your fingers crossed!
1 week ago
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