These were the outside tables all set up for guests. There were more table inside, and there were caramel apples at each place for the guests. We had to leave them off until the last minute to avoid baiting the bears.
Here are some pictures of the actual rehearsal. Everything was very relaxed and beautiful. There was some question about whether or not practicing the words made Bro and Sweet actually married or not, though. Which I felt was a perfectly legitimate question, having wondered the very same thing myself a year and some change ago! I guess it depends on if the minister "means it"? Anyway, here are the pictures to give you an idea of just how gorgeous it is at Montfair....
Saturday came along, absolutely beautiful. Brian and I were up early, as I had pies to bake for the wedding and he had computer work to do. We left for Montfair around noon, and were running around like crazy people before we knew it. By the time pictures were taken and everyone was completely ready, guests were coming by the carloads, ready to enjoy the day. The weather held out perfectly, if a little on the humid side. Welcome to Virginia, folks, with the air you can wear. Bro and Sweet had been thoughtful enough to provide lemonade, watermelon, and paper fans for their guests, though, which we all enjoyed! The pictures of the wedding that I'll post here are in chronological order. Notice how serious Bro was until he saw Sweet, and that huge grin on his face. I don't think the pictures do any justice to how gorgeous she looked, either. Very elegant and stylish. Her dress was absolutely perfect, and her hair was so very pretty. They really are perfect for each other, and adorable to boot!
Bro and Sweet had great music at the reception, too, and some seriously partying friends. Their first dance was beautiful and deserves a few pictures, too....
All in all, it was a great day. I'm so glad that it all went well for them, and hope their honeymoon goes flawlessly, too. They'll be leaving this week for Guadalajara, Mexico, where they can hopefully relax and settle into true couplehood. Then, of course, it's back to work and school. But, as Brian and I often say, it's easier when there are two. I'm sure there will be more pictures added to my Facebook profile later, but here's one of my favorite photos to close.....
Your little bro is married... I'm still in shock and feeling dreadfully old. She looked gorgeous and it sounds like they definitely put their own personal touches throughout. Now I'm craving caramel apples...
awwwwwwwweee yay! (when the heck did he get a tat???)
Um, I think at last count he had nine..... He has the beginning of a very nice sleeve going so far. More to come, but I'm not sure what else.
As for craving caramel apples, please see me. I can probably provide you with an apple ;)
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