Lately, however, I seem to be surrounded by slow people. Everyone I've been waited on at stores lately? Turtles. Traffic around town? Slower than cold molasses. The cat laying (lying?) in front of the fridge? Immovable. Why will no one move faster than slow motion?! For crying out loud, people, get the lead out! Get on the good foot! Move it! Ugh!
Remember when you got your first retail job (come on, we've all had them) or your first job waiting tables? And your boss told you how important it was to get customers through the line and on their way in a timely fashion? Yeah, at some point that became secondary to taking your sweet time.
Okay, little tirade over. I feel better. And I'm happy to report that I haven't lost my temper in a line yet, or snapped at some poor, minimum wage employee. But I have come very close. If anyone has seen my patience, please send it back home.
Nope, haven't seen it. Maybe yours ran off with mine because mine's gone, too!
And by the way, the cat was "lying" in front of the fridge. Here's a little trick...lie=recline...both have the long i sound. Lay= to place...both have the long a sound :)
Make sense?
Hey, that works!!! Thank you!
Any advice on the whole "drink drank drunk" issue? ;)
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