Friday, July 10, 2009

Thank God....It's Friday!!

Sad...two Thank God It's Fridays back to back. I'll try to be a better blogger, I promise. As soon as I get my schedule back in shape. Trying to adjust to a new baby in the house is not as easy as I hoped, even though she is wonderfully sweet and well-behaved. It's just a different schedule these days and I am beat by the end of the day. So, for now...
Thank God....It's Friday


Brian is feeling much better every day. He got glasses this week and says they're already making a huge difference in his balance and dizziness. As long as he stays hydrated he's not been terribly dizzy lately. Hopefully he'll continue to adjust his lifestyle and improve more each week!

We had a great time with my family tonight (minus one, though) having an impromtu dinner. It's always fun to see family for dinner and fun!

My cousin gets married this weekened. We're all looking forward to the wedding and spending time with family.


Please keep my Uncle Carroll in your prayers. He is not doing well and needs to be lifted to the Lord as often as possible. He is now in pain quite often, and something has been found on his lung. The doctor says it's not cancer, but we don't know what it is. His pancreas is almost entirely cancerous now, and the chemo hasn't helped his pancreas or liver in the least, so some decisions have to be made. We are so afraid that he doesn't have much time left, and just pray that he'll have strength and as little pain as possible at this point. We pray the Lord will give him as many more months as possible, and that he has peace when the Lord calls him home.

Please pray for our friend Nate, who may be reading this right now. He has pancreatitis and recently spent time in the hospital. Hopefully he'll kick this nastiness soon and not have to return there!

MadHat76's husband had more surgery this week and is scheduled for reconstructive surgery on his foot in three weeks. Please keep them both in your prayers as they are tired, stressed, and probably worried sick.

Two of our family friends are going through rough times. I won't air their laundry, dirty or otherwise, here so please just pray for wisdom, patience, protection, and peace. Both of these women are struggling day to day, and need some relief very soon.


Anonymous said...

Add me to the list....just got a pay cut via e-mail. Classy

Anonymous said...

May next Friday bring more blessings!

What kind of glasses did he go for? Wire rims? The funky dark thick ones (a la Drew Carrey?)

Thanks for keeping us posted!
