Thursday, July 16, 2009

Friday Eve...

And not like Friday night, either...more like the night before. This week, there will be no Thank God....It's Friday. Don't get me wrong: I'm as thankful as anyone this week. But I have more pressing matters on my heart than sharing a praise or request list with you.

If you've been reading my blog for anytime at all, you probably remember me asking for prayer for my Uncle Carroll. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in January, and given 6-12 months. Chemo and radiation did no good and the cancer spread to his liver. As of a few weeks ago, he was told that his time was very short.

Friday afternoon, Uncle Carroll and his younger brother, Uncle Larry, were out on the mountain. Uncle Carroll asked Uncle Larry to take him to the ER because he was having trouble breathing. At that point he was admitted to the hospital and given breathing treatments. By 2 AM Saturday morning the doctors had called my aunt to return to the hospital and moved Uncle Carroll to ICU. He was intubated and was very close to death. He spent Saturday in an unresponsive state, fighting for his life. By the time we were able to see him Sunday he was alert and able to communicate via pencil and paper, but was still intubated. The possible diagnoses were pneumonia or pulmonary fibrosis as a result of chemotherapy. One is treatable and the other probably fatal.

From there it's been a bit of a roller coaster. Monday was good, Tuesday was bad. Wednesday was worse, but today was better. By now no one except my aunt, cousin, Uncle Larry, and Mom are allowed in the room. At that point they are gowned, masked, and gloved and are not allowed to touch my uncle. He will never be intubated, and no one can say for certain how long he will live. But it's not long, and we're now talking weeks, days, and hours instead of months or years.

Please, please pray for my uncle. He needs release, relief, and peace. Please pray that he is able to go to the Lord singing. Please pray for my aunt, who is being torn apart bit by bit. Uncle Carroll will leave one daughter who thinks he hung the moon. In addition to her husband, there are also two grandsons, age 5 and 8. While they both love their Pop, the older one is about to be completely devastated as he loses his absolute idol. Please wrap this family in your prayers and lift them to the Lord whenever you think about them. The rest of us need the same thing, but you already know that.

On a positive note, Mama met with her surgeon today. Everything went absolutely perfectly, and she is scheduled for a double knee replacement for September 30. This is exactly what she wanted: both knees simultaneously done after the summer but before Christmas. Her doctor is supposed to be amazing and does about 150 of these surgeries yearly. We are so excited for her to have "new knees", as she's been saying. She's currently bone-on-bone in both knees and has been for some time. She is in constant pain and should not be as mobile as she is. Of course, for someone who was told as a child that she'd be in a wheelchair by 40, that's pretty darn good. Horrible joints run in our family, and she's put up with this pain for years. I am so happy that she's going to be able to walk, sit, lie down and generally live with less pain in the near future. Maybe run and skip, and definitely dance as well!

Happy Friday, if you read this tomorrow. Love to all of you and thanks for all your prayers thus far, and please feel free to leave your prayer requests in the comments of this post.


Anonymous said...

Sweet Girl your family, as always, continues to be in our prayers. At times like this it is so difficult not wanting to loose those you love but wanting relief for them. I will continue to pray that you and all of your family find kind relief from your pain. I love you.

MadHat76 said...
