Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Nothin' Much

There is basically nothing going on around here.  Consequently nothing much to write about.  The recital went well on Saturday, and Daddy's birthday party was a huge success.  We thought for sure that he knew about the party, but apparently we succeeded in surprising him!  And instead of the 35 people we expected, 48 descended on the restaurant.  It rocked!  Yesterday was spent recovering (for me) and Brian worked.  Today has been more of the same.  

Brian went to the doctor today for continued pain in his shoulder and neck.  I was afraid he had torn his rotator cuff, and apparently the doctor thought the same.  An X-ray cleared that up, though, and physical therapy was prescribed.  I hope it helps, as he's in serious pain all the time now!

We're starting a new "policy" around here for nighttime.  No more TV past 10 PM, and lights out by 11:30.  We also will not be answering the phone past 10, either, unless it's an emergency.  Leave us a message or text us.  We simply have to get our sleeping patterns back in some sort of routine, and this is the best way.  

I am off to enjoy a book and a blanket on the couch on this rainy, dreary night!  By the time you see this, it'll be Tuesday.  Have a great day!

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