I thought I would take a break from everything extracurricular in order to focus on my house in the month of January. I wanted to make sure that I deep-cleaned, purged, and organized everything in order to start the new year off right. Also, I know that I was spending way too much time on the computer, and needed to get that under control. After all, there really is no reason to check your email more than once (maybe twice?) a day. I had such a push before Christmas to get the shop in order that I needed a break from that, too. Basically, I just needed to get centered again.
So how did it go? Lousy. We still have Christmas decorations in our spare room, waiting for their trip to the attic. Merle got sick as a dog (ironic, is it not?) and has left his vomitty little mark on every floor in the house. Which means that we need to clean the carpets from top to bottom. We're working on installing shelves in our closet to maximize our unused space, but found that what we want and what Lowe's has are two drastically different things. So back to the drawing board on that one. And since I need the Christmas decorations put away and the closets ready for storage before I can start all that deep-cleaning, purging, and organizing...you see my problem.
And then, it snowed. And iced. I only had two representatives of the Munchkin Coalition here yesterday for daycare, and they left early. So I should have used that time to accomplish a lot, right? And today, so far I only have two kiddos in-house (hence the chance to blog), so I should do even more today, right? Yeah...no. I have never, in the history of the world, accomplished anything on a Snow Day. Ever. And apparently my streak will continue. I did manage to watch four episodes of Heroes on Netflix yesterday, and anticipate about three more tonight, but that hardly counts as work, does it? Granted, I've been working on crochetting washclothes for my shop, and filling an order for some for the Bum's shop, but that's just busywork while I watch....
But you know what? I've caught up on a lot of the sleep we missed over Christmas, what with Brian's crazy schedule. And I've learned that sometimes having fun, playing a game, watching some Heroes, or whatever is necessary. Brian is off this week, and we've enjoyed spending 24 hours a day together. That's one thing I love about our marriage -- we can spend an entire week together and not get tired of each other. At all. We could be happily snowed in in the middle of nowhere for a month and still want to be together for the following month. That's a blessing right there. So we've done a little bit of nothing, and enjoyed it. Sure, we're making plans to get a ladder up to the attic, and we're re-measuring and re-thinking our closet plans. And Brian brought home a huge (HUGE!) bottle of solution for the carpet cleaner yesterday in hopes of actually making the carpet puke-free. We're planning a trip to see the West Virginia Fam this weekend, weather permitting. So I guess it hasn't been a completely wasted bit of time, right? Sure, I still need to wash the floor in the laundry room, make drapes for the family room, and put my kitchen cabinets on a diet. But it'll get done before the year's up.....
1 week ago
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