Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Interesting Few Days

It was a great weekend around here, all things considering. Granted, I spent Saturday running errands in 9,000 degree heat in a car with no air conditioning, but then I organized a closet, my dresser, and one spare room full of yard sale stuff. Sunday, I did pretty much nothing. Because I didn't want to, which was nice. The week has been kind of nutty, with the Munchkin Coalition running amok all over the house. They have been completely insane all week so far, so I've been beat by 5:30.

I learned a few things this week, though. For starters, apparently it's common (medical) knowledge that prescribing estrogen to women with anxiety problems causes hallucinations. I wish I had known that before I discovered it myself; maybe I would have been more prepared! At 3 AM, Sunday night/Monday morning, our bathroom floor was moving, the shower curtain was crawling, and the bathroom door was breathing. Made for an interesting trip to the bathroom. It's happened since then, but only in that room. Maybe it's haunted, and I'm finding out the hard way? Oh, well. It hasn't really bothered me too much, I'm just getting used to the fact that household objects move and dance now...

I also learned that I can make a darn good pie crust! And that it's not that hard. Little Brother and Sweet Lizzy are having pies for their wedding, and are asking family members to make them. Sure, I could get the Pillsbury Doughboy to make me a couple, unroll them and be done, but it's my brother's wedding, for crying out loud! So I'm learning to make pie the right way.

In conjunction to this crusty discovery, I learned that some rhubarb, sugar, flour, and cinnamon make a great pie filling! It's similar to cherry, being a bit tart, and really yummy. I heart rhubarb. And, if I do say so myself, I make a right pretty pie......

Brian has this weekend totally off, and then goes to Norfolk for three days. Which is annoying! But, he has the following Thursday through Sunday off for Bro and Sweet's wedding, so I shouldn't complain. Last night we grilled some hamburgers and enjoyed the deck for the first time all summer, and I'm looking forward to more of that soon!

I hope everyone has a great day, and a great week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Don't tell the boy or he'll want me to make an apple...and I'm just not feeling that Betty Crockerish right now :) Crust looks FAB