Every year, we gather with Mama's family on Christmas Eve to exchange gifts and eat entirely too much yummy food. This tradition predates all of us -- Mama's family did this when they were only children. They would go from house to house of their father's family members seeing decorations, exchanging gifts, and eating. We did this through our entire childhood, and I remember very fondly driving home at midnight from one uncle or another's house very tired but ready for more Christmas the next day. I'm sure it wasn't snowy every year, but that's always how I remember it: snow and a full moon. I'm so glad we have these traditions to keep us anchored to our family, and that Brian shares in them as well. Hopefully soon we'll be able to honor his family's Thanksgiving tradition, as well, since that's a huge holiday for them!
Our family has grown from two uncles and mama with their spouses, to include five cousins. As we've all married, it's grown to include four more spouses and two younger cousins. As of Wednesday night, we're getting a new family member -- Annie is engaged! When you're used to the ginormous Hill family, the Dickensons are a much smaller and more intimate group of 18, counting Annie's fiance (that's also counting Uncle Carroll; his presence is still with us and is very much felt at each gathering). All growth now will be of the little, giggly types.
Here are a few pictures from Dickenson Christmas 2009. If you're one of my family reading this blog and want your picture removed, email me and let me know. Mama, you'll notice there are no pictures of you. You owe me money for that. Otherwise, here they are.....

Awwe tell Annie Congrats!!!
I will! We love Ben to bits and he's perfect for her. They're adorable together :)
Congrats to Annie! :)
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